Call of Cthulhu Review: Enter the Madness

Call of Cthulhu Review

Call of Cthulhu as you can tell, inspired by H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu theme. Cthulhu from Great Old Ones is already located at the centre of the game. Throughout the game you encounter this theme and, of course, references to many events in this iconic universe. In fact, as in the table games, the game is built on an order and you are part of this order you feel at every moment of Call of Cthulhu. So here is our Call of Cthulhu review.

Call of Cthulhu Review

In fact, as in the desktop games, the game is built on a pattern and you are part of this pattern and you feel it at every moment of Call of Cthulhu. Even though this situation frees you in some moments, it puts the game in a big dilemma at some moments.

Call of Cthulhu relies on the research dynamics. Therefore, if you are in a crowded area, you can talk to the locals around to get information. This is a conversation with plenty of choices such as RPG games and you get a lot of information about the story with chats. The dynamics of the RPG is not only affected in the dialogue but also in the analysis of the work.

For example, you can unlock extra dialogues with your skill points. However, solving the mystery mechanics are a bit outdated. Especially the transitions in the town part of the dynamics of hiding in the mental hospital test your patience in this regard. Maybe these dynamics we encountered 10 years ago may cause you to get tired of the game. Fortunately, when you move to the mansion, the game begins to roll itself together and the story drifts to a more interesting side.

As I said at the beginning, Call of Cthulhu is a game where research dynamics are highlighted. In this context, an intuition mode also included in the game. When you have an event to solve, you enter the intuition mode and you are imagining the events that happened before. In intuition mode, you try to gather the missing parts of the event together with the clues you found. This works fine, but you usually have to find all the clues in the requested order. This process is quite a necessary time to time, but in some cases, it can become annoying.

Call of Cthulhu Review

For example, you enter the dining hall at the mansion and you try to solve an event. When you enter intuition mode, you understand that the couple had a fight. You are looking at the mess in the table, and then you find a plate that falls and broke apart. So in the plot, you first have to solve the fight and then see the plate, which is perfectly normal. But when you go to the children’s room, you see interesting pictures but can not interact with them.

Also, you see interesting pictures on the wall when you go to the children’s room and you cannot interact with these pictures Even if the plot is not in the pattern, you must first look at another item in the room to be able to look at these images. This intuitive dynamics, which is fluent in the fight part, is always trying to get you into a pattern. In short, I wish it could give us a break.

You have to make choices at some moments in the game. But there are very old dynamics in these parts. For example, at the beginning of the game, you can choose whether or not a police officer will accompany you when going to the mansion. I’ve chosen the police officer to come with me in order not to be alone in this gloomy mansion. When you enter the mansion, you notice that the police is not in the pre-made cinematics. However, even though you don’t want police to come with you, he needs to join you at some point anyway.

Call of Cthulhu Review

Let’s talk a little bit about the atmosphere of the game because this is probably what I like most about Call of Cthulhu. In the visual sense, the game is not very ambitious, however, you realize that the phenomenon of the atmosphere has an incredible effect on the visual direction. The designs, sculptures and the facts about this myth made a big contribution to the game. I want to stop here for a second for and talk about paintings in the game. These paintings prepared with watercolour really shudders. Perhaps the paintings that you won’t even see, prepared carefully. Thinking about oil level and oil lamp, hearing voices and such thrilling stuff does the work properly.

As a result, Call of Cthulhu manages to make players wonder with its atmosphere and story. Intuition dynamics, places and the curiosity of the story have been well processed. But low budget and old dynamics are easy to understand.

Call of Cthulhu’s game menu drops some hints about the game theme. As the game starts you find yourself into a nightmare. We are playing as a detective Pierce during 1924. Pierce, who’s been through the worst period of his life, floating into debts. Naturally, he accepts the mysterious job offer without hesitation and sets sail on the island of Darkwater off the coast of Boston to investigate the tragedy that the Hawkins family has gone through. Hope you enjoyed reading our Call of Cthulhu review.

Murat Oktay

Video games have been my passion for as long as I can remember. I have been writing and managing in the game industry for more than 30 years. I've been playing Diablo 2 nonstop since it first came out.

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