PlayStation 5 Stock Will be Limited Longer Than We Thought

If you are one of the console fans that try to catch a PlayStation 5 stock, today is not your day. Because the situation is worse than anybody expected.

PlayStation 5 stock issue still persists

According to Bloomberg, Sony recently warned a group of analysts that the PlayStation 5 will be in short stock for the remainder of 2021. But what does that mean? This means that the company may not accomplish the sales target of the console. Sony has high hopes with their latest console but the situation shows that they still need to do lots of work.

“I don’t think demand is calming down this year and even if we secure a lot more devices and produce many more units of the PlayStation 5 next year, our supply wouldn’t be able to catch up with demand,”  Says Chief Financial Office at Sony, Hiroki Totoki, about the stock shortage situation for PlayStation 5.PlayStation 5 Stock Will be Limited Longer Than We Thought

Since the official release of the PlayStation 5, it is almost impossible to find stock. That is mainly because of the COVID-19 pandemic that’s been in the World for more than a year. The conditions about finding a PlayStation 5 is so hard that when a new batch comes out, it gets sold out almost instantly. Of course, there are ways to get the console but, no one wants to pay more right?

For most people out there, it is not necessary to purchase a PlayStation 5 right now. Because we couldn’t see the full benefits of the console yet. When we think about PlayStation 4, it was also the same. But at the end of its lifespan, we saw a major hit like the Last of us 2. Maybe the same will happen with the PlayStation 5. Currently, the peak point for PlayStation 5 when it comes to games is the latest Ratchet and Clank game. When we take a look at the trailer, the map loads almost instantly. We will see what the console will offer in the future.

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