Apex Legends’ next character may be closer than we think
Respawn Entertainment‘s latest game Apex Legends has a huge impact on the battle royale genre. The game already reached 25 million players around the world, hit the top on Twitch. And Respawn has announced that they have 10-year development plan for the Apex Legends and also published first year plan. In this plan, we saw that a new Legend will be released in this year, but when? According to a datamine, it may be closer than we think.
Apex Legends new character Octane might be released in eighth week
Gaming Intel website starts to datamine in Apex Legends files after the game release. And it seems they found out that Apex Legends new character which is called Octane, might be released in the 8th week.
In the datamine, they found a file about Octane. In the file, you can see the Week 8 word. If it is 8th week after release, it means we can get our new character in April. But the file didn’t give any information about Octane. But according to leaks, it is a support character which is give health regeneration.
Apex Legends is available for PC (Origin), PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. What do you think about the leak?