PAX Australia 2020 Cancelled
PAX (originally known as Penny Arcade Expo) is a series of gaming culture festivals involving tabletop, arcade, and video gaming. The organisers confirmed that PAX Australia 2020 cancelled. The organisation was scheduled to take place on October 9-11 at the Melbourne Convention Centre. The expo is the largest gaming convention in Australia and has been held since 2013. But due to COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no event this year.
In a statement in the event’s website, it reads: “Our thoughts are with our PAX community. And everyone who helps us to deliver this incredible event each year. The aim since the beginning has always been to put on the best possible version of PAX Aus. We aim to provide a safe space for our community to gather, share our passion with each other and create new and lasting memories. We have been working hard with our partners and exhibitors to explore all viable options but with our desire to bring you the best PAX Aus ever, the next edition of PAX Aus will now take place in 2021.”
PAX Australia 2020 Cancelled
Cause of the COVID-19 pandemic, lots of organisations have to be cancelled. And one of them is PAX Australia 2020. But the organisers also said: “While we can’t move forward with PAX Aus 2020 in the way we normally would, we are finding new and exciting ways to connect you and the PAX community with your favourite content and creators. Stay tuned to our social media channels in the coming days as we start to announce more information,”. So, according to the statement, it won’t be wrong to think that there might be an online event this year. So we just have to wait and see what will happen about PAX Australia 2020.
Stay tuned and enjoy.