THE NINJA SAVIORS: Return of the Warriors
THE NINJA SAVIORS: Return of the Warriors is a homage to retro-styled action games. It is a 2D side scroller beat em up, consisting of a few characters depicting different classes of old Japanese culture.
THE NINJA SAVIORS: Return of the Warriors
It is rare to see a retro-styled game nowadays and l am usually a huge fan of this genre however NINJA SAVIORS did not give me the satisfaction l expected. When l first loaded up the game, l was intrigued and excited because of its style but that soon turned into disappointment. The game’s gameplay is extremely linear, only consisting of three buttons and directional inputs.
Each character has their own unique way of fighting but none of them even have the option to run. The combat being slow and inputs not coming out the way you wish them to, hitboxes designed poorly and just not being cool enough takes away from the experience. A game like this is supposed to have combat that makes you feel good. I know retro-styled games can and do so much better than this. It really saddens me to say that THE NINJA SAVIORS: Return of the Warriors could have done so much better.
The co-op, however, is incredible.
However, if you can get over the gameplay, there are some positives. Due to having multiple characters and two more to be unlocked after completing the main story on different difficulties, it has a nice sense of replayability and the characters are pretty well made. They all have interesting ideas so unlocking them is a nice goal to look forward to.
Another great function is the co-op. While the singleplayer wasn’t really cutting it for me, the game should be considerably easier and more fun with a friend to play it with. This adds an even deeper layer of enjoyment as both players are able to choose different characters, able to utilize and combine their abilities to create some very great gameplay options.