Access all the movies and series in Netflix with this trick
Netflix has a few hidden aspects that we do not know. Many people know that you can access movies include crime, science fiction, action, and so on by typing some codes to Netflix’s URLs. Google recently published a Chrome plugin called Better Browse. Thanks to this plugin, you can now access all of the secret codes as well as series and movies.
How to do it?
Thanks to the codes, you can find several movies that are different from each other or that do not hit you before. All you have to do is, copy this link: delete INSERTNUMBER text and enter the numbers below and access the movies. For example, thanks to the Super Heroes category of Netflix, you can reach Marvel movies and TV series more quickly.
11828 = Non-Hollywood action productions
43048 = Action thrillers
6548 = Comedies
1365 = Action & Adventure
2125 = Military action
1402 = Midnight Comedies
869 = Dark comedy
4426 = Non-Hollywood comedies
2700 = Political comedies
26 = Sarcastic comedies
9702 = Sitcoms
5286 = Sport comedies
11559 = Stand-up
3519 = Teenager comedies
4922 = Satirical comedies
5475 = Romantic comedies
7627 = Cult movies
8195 = B-Class horror movies
1252 = Camp movies
10944 = Cult horror movies
4734 = Cult science fiction movies
9434 = Cult comedies
4195 = Independent comedies
8711 = Horror movies
6895 = Creature movies
8654 = Hollywood horror movies
8985 = Far Eastern martial movies
10118 = Superhero movies