Gears of War 3 PlayStation 3 Prototype Build Released to Public

There was a Gears of War 3 PlayStation 3 footage released approximately one year ago. This time, a prototype build has made into the public.

Gears of War 3 PlayStation 3 version is available but you need more than a PC

The Gears of War 3 PlayStation 3 prototype build has made into the public. Twitter user PixelButts made a post yesterday to celebrate the 10 year anniversary since they began work on the prototype Gears of War 3 PlayStation 3 build. In that post, he also states that he will no longer release any prototypes. So, this will be the one and only version of Gears of War 3 that will be available for PlayStation 3. At least until someone decides to develop further.

You can download the Gears of War 3 PlayStation 3 version by clicking here. But most probably, this will not be useful for most of the PlayStation 3 users. Because this prototype needs a  PS3 Devkit. Because the developer version PS3’s have more RAM than usual. The emulator version for the PC also does not work. So the Devkit owners are the lucky ones here. You can find PixelButts’ statements below:Gears of War 3 PlayStation 3 Prototype Build Released to Public

It’s the 10th anniversary of the Gears of War 3 PS3 data being built, so to celebrate I’m releasing it. I no longer plan to release prototype game stuff after this, as this was the last one I was sitting on.

I will not be taking questions, I will not be your tech support. This data was treated with care for accuracy reasons. Although this data is a decade old and has circulated that whole time, I was the first to get it working, and I wanted to keep it as unmodified as possible.

Because I no longer belong to any specific group for prototype game-related affairs, I can finally say this chapter of my life is over. I’ve finally burnt out on development collecting and want this to be a good send-off gift.

Lastly, here is footage of the PlayStation 3 version:


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