Netflix’s biggest rival is Fortnite
Netflix, the world’s most preferred platform for watching series and movies, made important statements. According to the service provider, Netflix’s biggest rival is not Hulu or Amazon. Officials say their biggest rival is now Fortnite. Authorities said “We compete with (and lose to) Fortnite more than HBO… There are thousands of competitors in this highly-fragmented market vying to entertain consumers.”. As a matter of fact, if we think that Netflix is an entertainment platform, we can say that they are right about this situation.
Who is the biggest rival of Netflix?
At the end of the day, Netflix officials emphasize how much they entertain people more than the quality of the series and movies. For this reason, we can assume that people may want to play Fortnite rather than watch Netflix. On the other hand, the choices of a player familiar with the popular culture, which he/she makes in his/her free time (e.g. watching Netflix or playing Fortnite), are also important. Let’s see how long will Fortnite maintain its popularity.