PS5 Firmware Update 21.02- is Now Live

The PS5 Firmware Update 21.02- is now live. The console owners will now be able to download it and apply the update.

PS5 Firmware Update 21.02- brings performance improvements

Sony has just released the PS5 Firmware Update 21.02- This is a pretty minor update compared to the previous one bringing SSD support. The description of the update is also pretty short. In fact, it just tells us that there are some performance improvements that came out with this update. Nothing else is known currently with the update that came out today for the PS5.

Most probably, players will not even notice what kind of improvements this update brings. It is likely that there are some internal changes implemented by Sony that add or modify the system software, but so far, we don’t have anything in this regard. So we don’t have any kind of big information about this update. So, it is just an usual update that has been released by Sony.PS5 Firmware Update 21.02- is Now Live

Sony eventually releases major updates after some user feedback of the console. The latest major update was about increasing the storage size via giving the console SSD support. And so far, players are pretty happy about that update. Because thanks to that major update, players will be able to increase their storage size on their PS5 console.

That’s eventually everything about the PS5 Firmware Update 21.02- So for those who were hyped for some major changes, you will need to have a bit more. You can also check out the official page of Sony about this update. They may update the description for this update that has been released. But we think that there will be not much of a performance change. If it happens, we will update this post and keep you updated about the update and its benefits. See you on the next update for PS5!


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