Riot Games removed Facebook support of League of Legends
Sony announced that PS4’s Facebook support would be removed. Indeed, it was. Two days ago with the new update to PS4 Facebook support from the console was removed. Now, Facebook support was pulled by another big company. According to information released by Riot Games, League of Legends‘ Facebook support has ended. With a new update, which brings the game version to 9.20, Riot Games no longer wants its players to have relations with Facebook. Players who could see their Facebook friends through League of Legends could search for players by name and surname. Riot Games, which eliminated this feature, did not make an official statement.
Riot Games removed Facebook support of League of Legends
We don’t know why companies remove Facebook to support one by one. However, according to estimates, Facebook’s confidence after the involvement of questionable events may be shaken. Facebook mentioned in recent political events, recently lost some of its users.