Alfawise Gamepad Review for Mobile Phones
We are here with the Alfawise Gamepad review with you. It’s time to play games on the phone. I’m not someone who likes to play games on the phone. The biggest reason for this is that I cannot use correctly the phone’s touch screen when playing games. This situation comes up especially when I play FPS and TPS focused games. Because, managing the character and aiming, firing at the same time forces me a lot, I am not very talented in playing games on the phone. There are many products made to play on mobile phones. But the phone’s Trigger Button and Handle that we will examine in this article doubles the pleasure of playing on the phone.
Alfawise Gamepad Review
First, the product comes in two different plastic boxes. In one of them, there is a handle to place the cell phone in, while in the other we have the trigger keys. First of all let’s mention the handle, hard plastic with a smooth surface meets us, and it is easy to combine this product which comes in two pieces. All you have to do is pull the rods inside the handles and connect the ends. After this simple procedure, you place your phone between the handle. We put the trigger buttons from the other box on the top of the phone.
Thanks to the holder, we now hold the phone more comfortably. Let us say that the phone has a Gamepad-like appearance thanks to the handle. During the test, I played PUBG and Modern Combat 5: Blackout. Before using these products, playing PUBG was torture. But with the help of the handle and the trigger keys, I have to emphasize that I’ve played a lot of FPS and TPS games other than PUBG with ease.
I definitely recommend you give this product, sold under the name of SmartPhone Shooting Trigger with Game Handle Controller, a chance if you have difficulty playing games on your phone like me.