Famous Streamer’s Disguise Broken! It was In Reality an Old Woman

These days, enjoyment out of video games isn’t only by playing but also from watching, if not even more so. Streamers who call out to millions of players even reflect their own daily lives upon them on top of interacting and sharing their gameplay with them. In the last few days however, a shocking truth came to light about one female streamer. In China, DouYu is one of the most visited streaming platforms. Qiaobiluo Dianxia, going by the name of Your Highness Qiaobilu has been deceiving her followers for months. Initially hiding her face, she showed it with plenty of make up as time went on.

Famous Streamer’s Disguise Broken! It was In Reality an Old Woman

Thanks to another streamer named Qingzi, Dianxia who had also used face filters was found out. Dianxia who agreed to do a co-stream with Qingzi chose to hide her face but due to a technical difficulty occuring mid-stream, Dianxia showed her true face, revealing her to be not a young girl but actually a middle aged woman. These news were shocking and she was even talked about on TV, with people still making memes of her in order to make fun. 

Murat Oktay

Video games have been my passion for as long as I can remember. I have been writing and managing in the game industry for more than 30 years. I've been playing Diablo 2 nonstop since it first came out.

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