The Batman Movie Will Arrive on HBO Max Shortly After Its Release

The Batman movie, starring Robert Pattinson, will be released on the HBO Max platform on April 19, 2022. This date coincides with 46 days after the movie will be released in theaters – March 4, 2022. According to Warner Media CEO Jason Kilar, this period is quite short compared to movies that have previously been released from theaters to digital platforms.

The Batman Movie Will Arrive on HBO Max

Jason Kilar draws attention to how short the time it takes for movies to be released in the cinema and then on digital platforms: “Think about when movies would show up on HBO, which is eight to nine months after theatrical premiere. The Batman is going to show up on day 46 on HBO Max. That is a huge change from where things were in 2018, 2017, 2016.”.

The Batman Movie Will Arrive on HBO Max Shortly After Its Release

Killer previously announced that the time allotted for Warner Media movies to stay theatrically exclusive before coming to platforms like HBO Max would be 45 days. This decision was applied to movies such as The Suicide Squad, Godzilla vs Kong. It is stated that the same policy will be applied for films such as Black Adam and The Flash in 2022.


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